Why You Need A Laptop Desk

I have a new obsession. And I’m sure you could guess what it is based on the title of this post..my laptop desk.

Now it may seem crazy, but trust me when I say that my laptop desk has made my life so much better. I kind of always thought they were a bit nerdy. Why? Not entirely sure. But that was etched in my head when I thought of a laptop desk.

Here’s a little secret you may not know about me: I do most of my blogging from bed. I have a desk in my home and while I will work there occasionally, I tend to always want to be cozied up in bed cuddled with my pup. Plus, I tend to get more distracted if I’m out working in my living room and my boyfriend is watching tv or worse..playing Fortnite (raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by this game).

While I enjoy working from bed, I noticed that my back was beginning to hurt from looking down at my computer so often. That’s when I finally decided to give it a go and order a laptop desk from Amazon. When it arrived, I was actually surprised at what good quality it was. I mean, I only spent $20 on it and it’s really sturdy. It has foldable legs making it easy to stored there is absolutely no assembly needed.

Since I started using my new desk, I have fallen in love. It has helped prevent me from hunching over my computer since it is now eye-level; I can even tilt up the desk so my computer is angled. There’s something about using it that makes me feel more productive. Like I’m SUPER official now that I have a little desk to work at. But really, I don’t know what it is but I am more focused and get more done now that I have my own station set up while I’m comfy in my bed.

So if you’re like me and don’t really have a designated office space (LA real estate, can your prices go down so I can have a cute house?), YOU NEED a laptop desk. It will make you way more productive just by giving you a place to work. I am forever thankful for my impulse Amazon purchase and recommend it to anyone who works from their computer. It will be the best $20 you will ever spend!
xoxo, Megan

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1 Comment

  1. torrey felber
    March 21, 2018 / 5:50 pm

    totally buying one these haha loveeeee it

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